Congratulations to our incredible Sixth Form students on their achievements this year.

As we reflect upon their time with us, we are filled with immense pride. The strength, resilience and fortitude demonstrated by these young people is something to behold. It is qualities such as these which will take them far and we have no doubt that our students are moving on to bright futures.

Newcastle University are lucky to be welcoming some exceptional EMS6 students into their cohort. After achieving an outstanding A*,A*,A*, Ryan leaves EMS6 to study Computer Science at Newcastle University. This is testament to his hard work and dedication to his studies. Mariella will join Ryan where she will study Business Management after securing A*,B,B in her A Level courses. Gracie’s A, A, B achievement sees her secure her place on Newcastle’s Politics & Economics course and Jasmine will continue to pursue her talents on the Music course at the university.

We are delighted that, as in previous years, many of our students have chosen to pursue degrees and careers that allow them to use their talents in many different fields. Libby gained a place at Durham University to study Religion, Society and Culture and Rebekah also secured a place at Durham University to study Natural Sciences. Abbie leaves us to study Sociology at Teesside University following her results of A*, B, C. As part of her journey at EMS6, she completed a successful work experience placement in the social work department at Durham County Council which gave her a real-world insight into pathways open to her in the future and related to her degree. Elliott’s outstanding achievement of A*, A, A, as well as an A* in an Extended Project Qualification, sees him leave us to pursue a degree in History and Josh’s excellent results of A*, A, B means he can study Law at his chosen university of Northumbria. Child Nursing is a hugely competitive course but Keira’s Distinction*, Distinction and a grade C mean she can pursue her vocation. Also venturing into the medical field is Sam who secured his place to study Paramedic Science at Keele University. We wish these students, and all of our other students, well in their future endeavours.

We are equally proud of our exceptionally talented students who pursue apprenticeships, employment or other avenues after completing their studies with us. After successfully navigating a very competitive interview and application process, Holly has secured a highly sought-after procurement apprenticeship with Cleveland Fire Brigade. We wish her well with this exciting opportunity.

With a wide range of Art related courses offered here at EMS6, we pride ourselves upon achieving consistently excellent outcomes in this area of study. This year is no exception, with all of our Art-based subjects seeing students achieve above national measures. After being students with us since Year 7, Georgia, with A, Distinction* and Distinction and Katie with A*, A* and Distinction*, leave us to continue to develop their artistic flair at the Northern School of Art. We are certain that they will continue to thrive in their chosen field.

Overall, results at EMS6 have improved in all measures from 2023.

Head of School, Colette Hogarth, said: “We are extremely proud of all of our students. We are pleased that they are able to pursue their intended pathways and destinations and we have been impressed by their drive and determination. I want to take this opportunity to thank the students and staff for all of their hard work throughout their time at the college and I wish them good luck in the future”.

There are more images which can be viewed in the Gallery